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SAMSys- Sepsis Activity and Measurement System

Team members

Koh Chuan Shen Marcus (ESD), Tai Jing Yu (EPD), Wong Chi Seng (ISTD), Wu Xiaomeng (ISTD), Tan Yi Leng (EPD), Lieu Wei Ying (EPD)


Yeo Si Yong, Dawn Tan, Georgios Piliouras

Writing Instructors:

Pang Yoke Kian Rachel

Teaching Assistant:

Eve Cheong Yew Kuan

To find out more about SAMSys, please click here!

Problem Background

The medical condition known as sepsis is a widespread and deadly condition, that threatens the lives of patients when the body's response to an infection causes injury to its own tissue and organs (Sepsis Alliance, 2018). 

With approximately 50 million new cases annually and more than 1/5 of these patients losing their lives as a result of the condition (Rudd et. al., 2020), it is thus critical that a system is avaliable to help save as many lives as is possible.




SAMSys PoC Diagnostic Platform



     Industry Partner




Ranjan, S., Kwek K. Z., Jureen, R., Fisher, D., & Zhang, Y. (2014). Dld pillar shape
          design forefficient separation of spherical and non-spherical bioparticles.
          Lab on a Chip, 14(21), 4250–4262.

Rudd, K. E., Johnson, S. C., Agesa, K. M., Shackelford, K. A., Tsoi, D., Kievlan, D. R.,
          (2020). Global, regional, and national sepsis incidence and mortality, 1990-
          2017: analysis forthe global burden of disease study. The Lancet, 395(10219),

Sepsis Alliance. (2018). What is sepsis? what it is and what it isn’t. Retrieved 2018-
          12-14, from


The Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology (SMART) has been researching methods to identify the sepsis condition quickly and has been successful in developing a microfluidics-based methog of testing. 

However, they wish to further miniaturise the system and automate the current technologies they have, such that a Point-of-Care system for diagnosis can be developed to rapidly detect sepsis without the need for a fully equipped laboratory.



What is SAMSys?

SAMSys is a Point-of-Care diagnostic platform designed to observe and detect anomalies in blood activity to identify if a patient has sepsis. The device utilises microfluidic technology to create a portable, on-site laboratory to conduct rapid testing of sepsis.



student Koh Chuan Shen Marcus Engineering Systems and Design
student Tai Jing Yu Engineering Product Development
student Wong Chi Seng Information Systems Technology and Design
student Wu Xiaomeng Information Systems Technology and Design
student Tan Yi Leng Engineering Product Development
student Lieu Wei Ying Engineering Product Development
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